[Tex/LaTex] Centering siunitx columns

horizontal alignmentsiunitxtables

I have the following table, with the decimal aligning handled by siunitx (MWE):



        group-digits            = false,
        input-symbols           = ( ) [ ] - +,
        table-align-text-post   = false,
        input-signs             = ,
        locale = DE,
        }   \usepackage{siunitx}
\begin{tabular}{ccS[table-format = 2.8]S[table-format = 2.8]}
& Parameter & {Estimate} & {Standard Error} \\
EUR/USD model & $\hat \sigma_{X}$ & 0,0315 \\
\multirow{4}{*}{GBP/USD model} & $\hat \omega$ & 0,000050 & 0,000045 \\ 
& $\hat \alpha_{Y}$ & 0,0860 & 0,0454 \\
& $\hat \beta_{Y}$ & 0,8585 & 0,0838 \\
& $\hat \nu$ & 7,6367 & 2,4094 \\

This gives me:


What I would like is for the entries in the "Estimate" and "Standard Error" columns to be centered under the column titles (with the decimals still aligned properly). I suspect that I have to change the table-format but I haven't been able to figure out the right options.


Best Answer

If you want the decimal marker placed at the center of the column -- and generate lots of wasted whitespace to the left of the leading digit -- then specify a symmetric table-format option, e.g., table-format = 6.6.

enter image description here

%%\usepackage{multirow} % not needed
        group-digits            = false,
        input-symbols           = ( ) [ ] - +,
        table-align-text-post   = false,
        input-signs             = ,
        %%decimalsymbol=comma, %% not needed, as implied by `locale=DE` option
        locale = DE,
\begin{tabular}{@{} cc *{2}{S[table-format = 6.6]} @{}}
& Parameter & {Estimate} & {Std.\ Error} \\
EUR/USD model & $\hat \sigma_{X}$ & 0,0315 \\
GBP/USD model & $\hat \omega$ & 0,000050 & 0,000045 \\ 
& $\hat \alpha_{Y}$ & 0,0860 & 0,0454 \\
& $\hat \beta_{Y}$ & 0,8585 & 0,0838 \\
& $\hat \nu$ & 7,6367 & 2,4094 \\

I think the table looks much better if you set table-format = 1.6:

enter image description here

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