[Tex/LaTex] Centering sections without centering subsections


This question is about how to center all the sections (including chapters) without centering subsections.

I have browsed all the related questions asked here but I found no one to which my question is duplicate. I have tried a proposed solution that centers all the headlines. But I do not know how to partially center the headlines.

Need your help, thanks so much, with my codes:

\usepackage{amsmath}`enter code here`
\usepackage{rotating, threeparttable, booktabs}

\newcommand\laref{\fontsize{12}{20pt}\selectfont \smallskip\noindent%

% To increase line space in footnote.

%centering all titles

Best Answer

One way with sectsty:

  \section{Some section}
  \subsection{A subsection}

enter image description here

sectsty also offers \chapterfont (but in article class, there ain't no chapter), \subsectionfont etc along with \allsectionsfont which will apply to all sections.

With titlesec:

  \section{Some section}
  \subsection{A subsection}
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