[Tex/LaTex] Centering in tabular does not work


The following is a minimal example of a table I am defining. The first row ($v_1$ and $v_2$) are not centered, but the subsequent rows are. What am I doing wrong?


    \begin{tabular}{| m{1cm} | m{1cm} |} 
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{\footnotesize Subgraph Matches} \\ \hline
        $v_{1}$ & $v_{2}$ \\ \hline
        \{005\} & \{006\} \\ \hline
        \{007\} & \{008\} \\ \hline

Best Answer

Centering in tabular is done with the c column type. The m column type is used for vertical centering, not horizontal centering which is what this table needs:

enter image description here

However, you should really consider the booktabs package which produces more professional looking tables:

enter image description here



    \begin{tabular}{| c | c |} 
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{\footnotesize Subgraph Matches} \\ \hline
        $v_{1}$ & $v_{2}$ \\ \hline
        \{005\} & \{006\} \\ \hline
        \{007\} & \{008\} \\ \hline

    \begin{tabular}{ c  c } 
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{\footnotesize Subgraph Matches} \\ \toprule
        $v_{1}$ & $v_{2}$ \\ \cmidrule(lr){1-2}
        \{005\} & \{006\} \\ %\cmidrule(lr){1-2}
        \{007\} & \{008\} \\ \bottomrule