[Tex/LaTex] Centering chapter titles


In the MWE below. What is the most convenient way to center the titles Preface and Abstract, rather than setting them flush left?





Best Answer

Since this about the \chapter* command for two titles (Abstract and Preface) only, it's sufficient to say \chapter*{\centering Abstract} etc. as command. This is grouped inside the internal command \@makeschapterhead -- it does not have a side effect on other implicitly used \chapter* commands, such as in \tableofcontents.

(The \blindtext as well as Some text aren't centered, so the \centering inside the \chapter* argument is safe, as long as no entry to the ToC is necessary (which is not the case, as we are talking about \chapter*)

If all \chapter* or \chapter titles should be centered horizontally, an \xpatchcmd approach is more useful. (See the edit at the bottom of this answer)




\chapter*{\centering Preface}

Some text
\chapter*{\centering Abstract}



enter image description here


This code centers all chapter titles (regardless whether \chapter* or \chapter) horizontally




  \Huge \bfseries  #1\par\nobreak%
  \Huge \bfseries\centering #1\par\nobreak%
}{\typeout{Patched makeschapterhead}}{\typeout{patching of @makeschapterhead failed}}

  \huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space \thechapter
  \huge\bfseries\centering \@chapapp\space \thechapter
}{\typeout{Patched @makechapterhead}}{\typeout{Patching of @makechapterhead failed}}




Some text


Another text


