[Tex/LaTex] Centering a text in longtable

horizontal alignmenttables

I am having some difficulty with centering a text in a table. If you happen to have some spare time, please kindly enlighten me on the following problem.

Referring to the picture below, you could see that the word "Graph" is left aligned instead of center. How to make it centered? Could you please provide advice or guidance on the issue?


\node (n1) at (10.6,4.9) [draw, circle,fill=green!20] {1};
\node (n2) at (4,0.8) [draw, circle,fill=blue!20] {2};
\node (n3) at (3.8,11.4) [draw, circle,fill=green!20] {3};
\node (n4) at (0.1,6.4) [draw, circle,fill=green!20] {4};
\node (n5) at (3.6,3.4) [draw, circle,fill=blue!20] {5};
\node (n6) at (7.4,2.3) [draw, circle,fill=blue!20] {6};
\node (n7) at (9,10.4) [draw, circle,fill=green!20] {7};
\node (n8) at (18,10.8) [draw, circle,fill=green!20] {8};

\foreach \from/\to in {n6/n2,n2/n5,n5/n6}
\draw[blue] (\from) -- (\to);
\foreach \from/\to in {n1/n8,n8/n7,n7/n1,n3/n7,n4/n3}
\draw[green] (\from) -- (\to);
\foreach \from/\to in {n6/n1,n5/n4,n2/n4,n1/n5}
\draw[red] (\from) -- (\to);


\begin{longtable}{ l  l  l  l >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{7cm} }
\multicolumn{5}{ c }{Convergence} \\
Time & \multicolumn{2}{ c }{Information} & Graph & Description \\ 
& Vertice & 8 & & \\[1cm] 
1 & ${P(1)}$ & 0.5 & 
\tesplot} &  \raisebox{-0.1cm}[0pt][0pt]{%
Hello World akdjfasljdfkjasj dfjsadkflkjksad flkaskjdfsadlflkj safdalkjsfd sljdfkjasj         dfjsa sljdfkjasj dfjsadkflkjksad flkaskjd fsadlflkj safdalkjsfd sljdfkjasj dfjsadkflkjksad flkaskjdfsadl flkj safdalkjsfd dkflkjksad flkaskjdfsadlflkj safdalkjsfd
\end{minipage} } {%
} \\[1cm] 
& Chance & 0.5 & & \\[1cm]



enter image description here

Best Answer


solved by Mico(https://tex.stackexchange.com/users/5001/mico), thanks all, thanks a lot!!!!!!

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