[Tex/LaTex] Center tikz vertically inside tabular cell

tikz-pgfvertical alignment

The black tikz boxes/nodes are not vertically aligned inside the cells. Does anyone know how to do it? Thanks in advance, and please ignore irrelevant code, I know it's not very clean or straightforward!



\newcommand{\especialidade}[1]{\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, fill=black, 
    text width=0.25\columnwidth, text depth=0mm, text centered, text height=0.30cm, rounded corners]
    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 1cm, auto]
    \node [block] (init) {\textcolor{white}{\textbf{#1}}};

    p{0.22\linewidth} p{0\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt} @{\linethickness{0.2mm}\framebox(10,10){}\hspace{3mm}}
    p{0.23\linewidth} p{0\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt} @{\linethickness{0.2mm}\framebox(10,10){}\hspace{3mm}}
    p{0.23\linewidth} p{0\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt} @{\linethickness{0.2mm}\framebox(10,10){}\hspace{3mm}}
    p{0.24\linewidth} p{0\linewidth} @{\linethickness{0.2mm}\framebox(10,10){}\hspace{3mm}}}

\hline\multicolumn{2}{p{0.23\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt}}{\especialidade{AAA \textsuperscript{A}}}& \hspace{1mm}
AA (111) &&
\multicolumn{2}{p{0.23\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt}}{\especialidade{AAA \textsuperscript{A}}}&\hspace{1mm}
Aaaa-\textit{Aaaa} (111)& \\\hline

Aaaaaaa (111) &&\hspace{1mm}
Aaaaaaa (111) &&\hspace{1mm}
AA aaaaa (111) &&\hspace{1mm}
Aaaa-\textit{aaa} (111)& \\

Best Answer

The array package provides a m{} column specifier which is just like p{} except that, whereas p{} puts the cell contents in a top-aligned \parbox[t]{}{}, \m{} puts it in a centre-aligned \parbox[c]{}{}. For example:

    this is a very long line of text in a top-aligned parbox & this is horizontally centred & this is a very long line of text in a centre-aligned parbox\\

top and centre aligned columns

Please do not rely on tabu. If you wish to use it even though it may break unexpectedly on you, fine. But understand that there are bugs which will be fixed only when the new version breaks your documents anyway.


In this case, you have complications caused by oversized content which isn't regular text. For the empty boxes, you can use \raisebox, I've used -2.5pt to move the box a bit down. Adjust as desired. For the TikZ pictures, you can adjust the picture relative to the baseline using baseline. Here, I've used baseline=(init.base). Again, adjust as desired. I've also updated the code to use the new syntax \tikzset{} rather than the deprecated \tikzstyle{}.



    block/.style = {
      text width=0.25\columnwidth,
      text depth=0mm,
      text centered,
      text height=0.30cm,
      rounded corners
    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 1cm, auto, baseline=(init.base)]
    \node [block] (init) {\textcolor{white}{\textbf{#1}}};


    m{0.22\linewidth} m{0\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt} @{\usebox{\mybox}}
    m{0.23\linewidth} m{0\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt} @{\usebox{\mybox}}
    m{0.23\linewidth} m{0\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt} @{\usebox{\mybox}}
    m{0.24\linewidth} m{0\linewidth} @{\usebox{\mybox}}}

\hline\multicolumn{2}{m{0.23\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt}}{\especialidade{AAA \textsuperscript{A}}}& \hspace{1mm}
AA (111) &&
\multicolumn{2}{m{0.23\linewidth};{0.5mm/2pt}}{\especialidade{AAA \textsuperscript{A}}}&\hspace{1mm}
Aaaa-\textit{Aaaa} (111)& \\\hline

Aaaaaaa (111) &&\hspace{1mm}
Aaaaaaa (111) &&\hspace{1mm}
AA aaaaa (111) &&\hspace{1mm}
Aaaa-\textit{aaa} (111)& \\

adjusted boxes and pictures

But the basic idea of using m{} and adjusting to the baseline is the same as in the simpler example above.

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