[Tex/LaTex] Center flow chart horizontally

diagramshorizontal alignmentpstricks

I have the following flow chart but it appears uncentered. How can I center it?


\psovalbox[fillstyle=solid]{Begin} &
\psframebox[]{ChIP-seq} &
\psframebox[]{align to genome} &
\psdblframebox[framearc=.4,fillstyle=solid]{Find peaks} &
\psdblframebox[framearc=.4,fillstyle=solid]{Thresholding} &
\psdblframebox[framearc=.4,fillstyle=solid]{Analysis} &


Best Answer

As frabjous already mentioned, the image is just too big and either image or margins require adjustment.

But there's trick how you can center oversized images: use \makebox. This way even your wide image gets properly centered:

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