[Tex/LaTex] Center Contents heading in tocloft v2.3f

horizontal alignmenttable of contentstocloft

In the past, I believe this technique was used to center the Contents heading in the table of contents via tocloft:


\renewcommand{\cfttoctitlefont}{\hfill \Huge}



\chapter{Chap 1}
\chapter{Chap 2}
\chapter{Chap 3}


However I recently updated the package to version v2.3f (2013-05-02) and this no longer centers the heading.


How do I fix this? The answers for a related question do not work.

Best Answer

From the comment by Marco Daniel, the following modification works.


\renewcommand{\cfttoctitlefont}{\hfil \Huge}



\chapter{Chap 1}
\chapter{Chap 2}
\chapter{Chap 3}


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