[Tex/LaTex] Cell coloring (highlighting) with in-out effects in a table in beamer


I need cell coloring (or highlight effect) in a cell of a table in beamer after a click (I mean, I am planning to talk about something in that frame and I will emphasize just a number in a cell at the end of my talk), and I tried many commands such as \onslide<>, \only<>, \visible<>, and new commands use \colorbox but any of them worked. Lastly, I came across some \rowcolor<>{colorname} codes and I tried to arrange those codes (without know newcommand structure completely) for cell coloring with in-out effects but there is something wrong so I got an error like that

Misplaced \noalign.

What is the problem with it?







\begin{frame}{The MWE}%


    A & B \\
    A & B \\
    A & B \\
    \rowcolor<4>{green} C & D \\
    \rowcolor<4,5>{yellow} E & F \\
    \rowcolor<4-6>{green} G & H \\
    \rowcolor<6>{red} Y & S \\
    A & B \

\visible<1>{Testing default row colouring ... \\}
\visible<2,3>{Testing change of default colors ...\\}
\visible<4-6>{Testing in-out of custom colors ...\\ (caution: The order of defaults colors can change)\\}

 Based of answer of Martin Scharrer


\begin{frame}{Cell Coloring with In-out Effects}
    A & B \\
    C & \cellcolor<3>{green} C \\
    D & E \\
    F & G \


Best Answer

Delete the \noalign command from the definition of \cellcolor:







\begin{frame}{The MWE}%


    A & B \\
    A & B \\
    A & B \\
    \rowcolor<4>{green} C & D \\
    \rowcolor<4,5>{yellow} E & F \\
    \rowcolor<4-6>{green} G & H \\
    \rowcolor<6>{red} Y & S \\
    A & B \\


\visible<1>{Testing default row colouring ... \\}
\visible<2,3>{Testing change of default colors ...\\}
\visible<4-6>{Testing in-out of custom colors ...\\ (caution: The order of defaults colors can change)\\}

 Based of answer of Martin Scharrer


\begin{frame}{Cell Coloring with In-out Effects}
    A & B \\
    C & \cellcolor<3>{green} C \\
    D & E \\
    F & G \\



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