[Tex/LaTex] Can’t label an image in subfigure


I have been trying to label images in subfigures and then reference them in the caption of the main figure environment. But I get error "Label without proper reference" and "reference undefined error" for all the three subfigures. Can anyone find out the problem?

\caption{\ref{fig:original}Image 1 \ref{fig:smooth}image 2 \ref{fig:binarySkeleton} Image 3 }

Best Answer

If you have images/plots that has labels a, b, c in them, and you don't need captions, then you can use {\phantomsubcaption\label{subfiglabel}}. For example:

enter image description here

{\phantomsubcaption\label{first subfig}}
{\phantomsubcaption\label{second subfig}}
{\phantomsubcaption\label{third subfig}}
\label{full fig}

See fig.~\ref{full fig}, which contains \ref{first subfig}, \ref{second subfig} and \ref{third subfig}.