[Tex/LaTex] Can we use LaTeX to make the following figures


I am new to this forum and a very new user of LaTeX. So the question may be very naive. Sorry for this. I truly appreciate your help. I have no idea where to begin.

How can I make the following figures with LaTeX?

  1. Figure 1 on the web-page http://www.engsc.ac.uk/learning-and-teaching-theory-guide/constructive-alignment

  2. Last figure on the page:


  3. The figure, circular figure, on the web-page


Best Answer

I'm only posting this code since I have it lying around. As the comments have noted, it's better to use this site to ask specific questions about code you have tried, rather than general questions about drawing whole classes of diagrams.

The diagram below is similar to the kinds of diagrams you are talking about, and should give you enough to get started. If you encounter problems with the actual diagrams you create, you can post specific questions about the code you have. (Make sure that you add a minimal working example to new questions that you ask.)

\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum height={1.5cm},thick,align=center}]
\node[draw] (DS) {d-structure};
\node[draw, dashed,right= of DS] (IS) {Information\\structure};
\node[draw, above right=of IS] (PS) {p-structure};
\node[draw, below=of PS] (CS) {c-structure};
\node[draw, below=of CS] (Lex) {lexicon/morphology};
\draw[->] (IS) -- (PS);
\draw[->] (IS) -- (CS);
\draw[->,dotted] (IS) -- (Lex);
\draw[->] (IS.160) -- (DS);
\draw[->] (IS.west) -- (DS);
\draw[->,dotted] (IS.200) -- (DS);



output of code

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