[Tex/LaTex] Can not use float placement options with algorithm2e


I am using algorihtm2e and I am formatting a new command to align comments in the algorithms like in the answer of Align comments in algorithm with package algorithm2e.
Now when I try to use positions options like this


\def\mytcp*[#1]#2{% only support one style for simplicity
\oldtcp*[r]{\leavevmode\hbox to \commentwd{#2\hfill}}}

\expandafter\ifx\csname commentwd@\romannumeral\csname c@\algocf@float 
\global\commentwd\csname commentwd@\romannumeral\csname c@\algocf@float
commentwd@\romannumeral\csname c@\algocf@float\endcsname\endcsname{%


The result is that [ht] is written in the first line of the algorithm.
When I don't use that, it works. Does anyone have an idea how I can align the comments and use positioning?

Best Answer

Your redefinition of algorithm is causing the problem. Use the following instead:

\expandafter\ifx\csname commentwd@\romannumeral\csname c@\algocf@float 
\global\commentwd\csname commentwd@\romannumeral\csname c@\algocf@float

Since the environment algorithm takes an optional argument as part of its definition, it "checks ahead" to see if you follow \algorithm with [ or not. You've placed the older definition \oldalgorithm at the start of the newly redefined \algorithm, meaning it is literally followed by \global, which is not [. Placing \oldalgorithm at the end of \algorithm allows scanning to pick up [ in the input stream correctly.

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