[Tex/LaTex] Calendar with tikz


I borrowed the following code from here and made changes according to my requirements. I want to show year at each corner of the border and would like to know how to change the year to custom year. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks


enter image description here


\documentclass[border=4.9mm, multi={tikzpicture}]{standalone}

%%in preamble:

\newcommand{\calrow}[1]{\node[anchor=base east](Mon){M};
\node[base right=of Mon](Tue){T}; \node[base right=of Tue](Wed){W};
\node[base right=of Wed](Thu){T}; \node[base right=of Thu](Fri){F};
\node[base right=of Fri](Sat){S}; \node[base right=of Sat](Sun){S};
\node[darkgreen,above=of Thu]{\textbf{#1}};}

\newcommand{\calperiod}[1]{\calendar[dates=\the\year-#1-01 to \the\year-#1-last]
if(Sunday) [black!50] \holidays;}

\newcommand{\holidays}{% holidays in Italy
if (equals=01-01) [black!50]%
if (equals=01-06) [black!50]%
if (equals=04-04) [black!50]%
if (equals=04-05) [black!50]%
if (equals=04-25) [black!50]%
if (equals=05-01) [black!50]%
if (equals=05-01) [black!50]%
if (equals=06-02) [black!50]%
if (equals=08-15) [black!50]%
if (equals=11-01) [black!50]%
if (equals=12-08) [black!50]%
if (equals=12-25) [black!50]%
if (equals=12-26) [black!50]%


%%in document:
\begin{tikzpicture}[every calendar/.style={week list}]
row 1/.style={darkgreen,node distance=.3ex},%
row 3/.style={darkgreen,node distance=.3ex},
row 5/.style={darkgreen,node distance=.3ex},
row 7/.style={darkgreen,node distance=.3ex},
column sep=1ex,%
draw=darkgreen,thick,rounded corners=5pt,%
postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.51 with
{\node[fill=white,text=darkgreen,font={\bfseries\Large}] (year) {\the\year};}}}
% year on frame: decorations.markings library

% first row: week day and month
\calrow{January} & \calrow{February} & \calrow{March} \\
\calperiod{01} & \calperiod{02} & \calperiod{03} \\[1ex]

% second row: calendar
\calrow{April} & \calrow{May} & \calrow{June} \\
\calperiod{04} & \calperiod{05} & \calperiod{06} \\[1ex]

% third row: week day and month
\calrow{July} & \calrow{August} & \calrow{September} \\
\calperiod{07} & \calperiod{08} & \calperiod{09} \\[1ex]

% forth row: calendar
\calrow{October} & \calrow{November} & \calrow{December} \\
\calperiod{10} & \calperiod{11} & \calperiod{12} \\



Best Answer

To get a different year, one could simply use \year=2017. But if this was undesirable then a \currentyear macro could be used (optionally as a default argument to the \calperiod macro).

To get the year typeset at the corners of the matrix, I have used append after command. This requires that \currentyear be set outside the scope of the matrix. Also a bit of extra space is required at the bottom of the matrix to avoid some overlapping with the year labels.


\newcommand{\calrow}[1]{\node[anchor=base east](Mon){M};
\node[base right=of Mon](Tue){T}; \node[base right=of Tue](Wed){W};
\node[base right=of Wed](Thu){T}; \node[base right=of Thu](Fri){F};
\node[base right=of Fri](Sat){S}; \node[base right=of Sat](Sun){S};
\node[darkgreen, above=of Thu]{\textbf{#1}};}

  \calendar[dates=\currentyear-#2-01 to \currentyear-#2-last]
    if (Sunday) [holiday] \holidays;}
\newcommand{\holidays}{% holidays in Italy
if (equals=01-01) [holiday]%
if (equals=01-06) [holiday]%
if (equals=04-04) [holiday]%
if (equals=04-05) [holiday]%
if (equals=04-25) [holiday]%
if (equals=05-01) [holiday]%
if (equals=05-01) [holiday]%
if (equals=06-02) [holiday]%
if (equals=08-15) [holiday]%
if (equals=11-01) [holiday]%
if (equals=12-08) [holiday]%
if (equals=12-25) [holiday]%
if (equals=12-26) [holiday]%
\begin{tikzpicture}[every calendar/.style={week list},
year label/.style={
}, current year/.store in=\currentyear,
current year=2017]
row 1/.style={darkgreen,node distance=.3ex},%
row 3/.style={darkgreen,node distance=.3ex},
row 5/.style={darkgreen,node distance=.3ex},
row 7/.style={darkgreen,node distance=.3ex},
column sep=1ex,%
draw=darkgreen,thick,rounded corners=5pt,%
append after command={ 
  node [year label/.try, right=1ex of \matrixname.south west] {\currentyear}
  node [year label/.try, right=1ex of \matrixname.north west] {\currentyear}
  node [year label/.try, left=1ex of \matrixname.south east] {\currentyear}
  node [year label/.try, left=1ex of \matrixname.north east] {\currentyear}

% first row: week day and month
\calrow{January} & \calrow{February} & \calrow{March} \\
\calperiod{01} & \calperiod{02} & \calperiod{03} \\[1ex]

% second row: calendar
\calrow{April} & \calrow{May} & \calrow{June} \\
\calperiod{04} & \calperiod{05} & \calperiod{06} \\[1ex]

% third row: week day and month
\calrow{July} & \calrow{August} & \calrow{September} \\
\calperiod{07} & \calperiod{08} & \calperiod{09} \\[1ex]

% forth row: calendar
\calrow{October} & \calrow{November} & \calrow{December} \\
\calperiod{10} & \calperiod{11} & \calperiod{12} \\[1ex]\\


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