[Tex/LaTex] Calculate parbox width to make it meet the page border


I'm using the program package to typeset my algorithms. I want my comments to have a light gray background, therefore I'm using colorbox with a parbox inside (for multi-line comments).

Now the problem is that when I want to insert a comment in an indented line, setting the parbox's width to \textwidth or \linewidth will make it too big, crossing the right page border.

I'm looking for a way to compute the parbox's width based on the current indentation (which I can't seem to find out) or its horizontal starting position so that it always goes up to the right page border.

Any ideas?

EDIT: Here's a minimum working example. The renewcommand commented out is the solution suggested first, but it doesn't work here.


\newcommand{\commentbox}[1] {\colorbox{commentcolor}{\parbox{\linewidth-2\fboxsep}{#1}}}
%\renewcommand{\commentbox}[1] {\noindent\colorbox{commentcolor}{\parbox{\linewidth-2\fboxsep}{#1}}}


\commentbox{A normal comment.}
\IF someCondition
        \commentbox{An indented comment.}
        myVar := myVar + 1


Best Answer

If your document always uses LaTeX constructs then



\noindent\colorbox{red}\parbox{\linewidth - 2\fboxsep}{....}}

should work. (If not please provide a full MWE that shows the problem)

In a tabbing environment everything is different, but LaTeX has already measured everything to set the tab stops so you just need to dig out the lengths. The following definition includes a -15pt which is accounting for some extra space from program so it is probably possible to replace that with a suitable internal from that package if you know it well. (I haven't used it before:-) But If you get it wrong TeX tells you how much the box is over-full in the log so just subtracted that amount.

enter image description here



\newcommand{\commentbox}[1] {%
        \parbox{\linewidth- \dimen\@curtab - 2\fboxsep - 15pt}{%


\noindent X \dotfill X


\commentbox{A normal comment.}
\IF someCondition
        \commentbox{An indented comment.
                    with 2 lines}
        myVar := myVar + 1

\noindent X \dotfill X
