[Tex/LaTex] Build custom \itemize


I'd like to create a CV similar to the one shown here. But I don't know what's the best way to create those text blocks. I had the idea to use itemize. But I don't know how to format the label of the \item in italics. I also get in trouble when trying to spread a label on multiple lines (eg. when the content of the label is too long for one line).

Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:

June 2007  Responsible for the visual design and HTML / CSS
–present   templating for a social media site where people
           discuss their unusual pets.

Another    Some text

The label should be in italics.
I'd appreciate any help.

Best Answer

There are lots of ways to create a cv- perhaps another answer will demonstrate an approach using moderncv

If you want to use itemize, then you can customize it (and every other list-type environment, such as enumerate, description, etc) using the extremely powerful and user-friendly enumitem package.

A very simple implementation gives

enter image description here



    \item[June 2007|Oct 2008] \lipsum[1]
    \item[Nov 2008|present] \lipsum[2]


You could also use (for example)

    \item[June 2007|\\present] \lipsum[1]

which gives

enter image description here

For more reading, you might like to look at

LaTeX template for resume/curriculum vitae

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