[Tex/LaTex] Breaking up an algorithm into several parts


enter image description here

I would to divide an algorithm I wrote into parts as shown in the attached file

This is what I did so far :

\caption{Selection algorithm}
\State initialization 
\State ini = $4$ 
\State init = $0$ 
\Procedure {DriftingPhase}{}
\For{each source $S$}
\State Broadcast IWD\textendash 
\For{each IWD}
\State \small{Compute soil ($i$,$j$) = $ (1-\Pisymbol{psy}{114}).Soil ($i$, $j$)-\Pisymbol{psy}{114}\Delta Soil($i$, $j$)$}
\State Compute $P_{r}$ = ($i$,$j$) = $\frac{f(soil(i,j))}{\sum\nolimits_{k\notin vc(IWD)}{f(soil(i,k)}}$
\State f (soil(i,j)) = $\frac{1}{soil(i,j)}$
\Procedure{FindingRoute phase}{}
\For{each destination $D$ }
\State MPRset ($D$) = max{$P_{r}$($z$)\textbar\ $z$ $\in$$R$}} 
\State Send IWD\textendash Rep $2$\textendash hop away
\For{each source $S$ }
\State MPRset ($S$) = max{$P_{r}$($z$)\textbar\ $z$ $\in$$R$}} 
\State MPRRoute= [S] 

These are the used packages

\usepackage{algorithm}% http://ctan.org/pkg/algorithms

Best Answer

The following minimal example provides \phase{<desc>} which sets a Phase X - <desc> description within the algorithm. Note that it's usage only works as expected at the top level of indentation. However, I would think this is sufficient in terms of the presentation of one's algorithm.

enter image description here



  % Top phase rule
  \Statex\strut\refstepcounter{phase}\textit{Phase~\thephase~--~#1}% Phase text
  % Bottom phase rule


  \caption{Selection algorithm}
    \State initialization
    \State $\var{ini} = 4$
    \State $\var{init} = 0$
    \phase{Drifting phase}
    \Procedure {DriftingPhase}{}
      \For{each source~$S$}
        \State Broadcast IWD--
        \For{each IWD}
          \State Compute $\func{soil}(i,j) = (1-\Pi\psi) \times \func{soil}(i,j)-\Pi\psi \Delta \func{soil}(i,j)$
          \State Compute $P_r = (i,j) = \frac{f(\func{soil}(i,j))}{\sum\nolimits_{k \notin \func{vc}(IWD)}{f(\func{soil}(i,k)}}$
          \State $f(\func{soil}(i,j)) = \frac{1}{\func{soil}(i,j)}$
    \phase{FindingRoute phase}
    \Procedure{FindingRoute phase}{}
      \For{each destination $D$ }
        \State $\func{MPRset}(D) = \max\{P_r(z) \cup z \in R\}$
        \State Send IWD-Rep $2$-hop away
    \phase{Final phase}
      \For{each source $S$}
        \State $\func{MPRset}(S) = \max\{P_r(z) \cup z \in R\}$ 
      \State $\var{MPRRoute} = [S]$
