[Tex/LaTex] Breakable box in breakable box with tcolorbox


Defining exercises and using some macros with tcolorbox, I noted that, if I insert the macro including tcolorbox inside the exercise produced with tcolorbox too, the breakable option has not effect so the boxes doesn't break. How can I make this option effective for this case of "box-in-box" ?

I give an MWE, of my .tex file, where one can see that the boxes break, in the pages 1,2,3, and when the box refuses to break, in the page 4:



\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\setmonofont{Courier New}
\newfontfamily{\arabicfont}[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.5]{Traditional Arabic}



\newtcolorbox[use counter=example]{example}[1][]{enhanced jigsaw,breakable,
  colback=white, colframe=red, arc=0mm,
  rightrule=0mm, leftrule=0mm,toprule=0mm,
  top=1mm, bottom=1mm, left=0mm, right=0mm,
  colbacktitle=green, coltitle=black,
  extrude right by=-5.5mm,
  before upper={\parshape 4
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \hsize},
      before upper={\parshape 3
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \dimexpr \hsize-7mm\relax
        0pt \hsize},
  underlay unbroken and first={%
  \node[fill=yellow, draw=red, line width=1.5pt, below right, minimum height=3em, text width=.8cm, align=center] at ([xshift=-.1mm]frame.north east) {\examplelabel};
  \draw [red,line width=.5mm]([yshift=.25mm]frame.north west)--+(\linewidth,0);
  underlay unbroken and last={%
  \draw [red,line width=.5mm]([yshift=.25mm]frame.south west)--+(\linewidth,0);

\tikzstyle{titlewhite} =
    [draw=black, thick, scale=.9, fill=white,% 
        line width=0.3pt, text=black, rectangle,
        left, minimum height=.5cm]

\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced jigsaw,breakable,
colback=white, colframe=white, arc=0mm,
  top=0mm, bottom=0mm, left=2mm, right=2mm,
enlarge top by=\baselineskip/2+1mm,
enlarge top at break by=0mm,pad at break=2mm,
overlay unbroken and first={%
at ([xshift=-1cm]frame.north east)
{\large \RL{#2}};},
borderline east={0pt}{0pt}{white},

In this document, the text would be written in arabic, a right-to-left language

\begin{example}[\hspace*{2.5mm}\LR{A broken example}]
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken

\begin{blankbox}{\LR{A broken box}}
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken

\begin{example}[\hspace*{2.5mm}\LR{A non-broken example}]
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken
An example artificially broken


and it's compilation with xelatex:

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Citing the tcolorbox manual (page 365 of current version 4.15):

You can nest an unbreakable tcolorbox inside another tcolorbox, even inside a breakable one. But you cannot not nest a breakable box inside a breakable box. The /tcb/breakable key for a nested box is ignored automatically, i. e. inner boxes are always unbreakable.

After all, in the unlikely case you really want to have the nested box to be breakable, use /tcb/enforce breakable for the nested box. But, a breakable box inside a breakable box will usually give a mess.

So even if there is a enforce breakable option, this is not advisable. (I've tried on other occasions and the result is really messy)

Update 2019/02/15

The (most likely) wrong wording 'cannot not' is still in the text.

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