[Tex/LaTex] Bracket in subequations


I have two equations, places inside subequations. How can I put the bracket { on the left side of these subequations?

enter image description here

P.S.I tried cases, but it doesn't work there – error "Missing $ inserted"

\begin{subequations} \begin{cases}
\begin{equation} subeq.1 \end{equation}
\begin{equation} subeq.2 \end{equation}
\end{cases} \end{subequations}

Best Answer

stealing @Bernard's example, i've expanded it to show a multi-line situation. the [t] is a necessary option on the aligned block to keep the block from being centered vertically, but unfortunately it also has the effect of placing the equation number on the top line of that component.



    x &  = \begin{aligned}[t]
           & y + z + \text{something to make this wider}\\
           & + \text{more stuff to produce multiple lines}
    a^2 &  =  b + c


enter image description here

one other comment ... bernard's answer uses "unicode" superscripts. doesn't always work (and there aren't unicode superscripts for greek letters or really anything but digits), so it's not recommended to use those in math.

but otherwise, bernard's answer is solid.

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