[Tex/LaTex] booktabs with custom column spacing


I'm trying to use the booktabs package, and I'm trying to make tables with "column groups" that are delimited by extra space. In the following, I am doing this using the @{} syntax in the tabular environment header. Unfortunately, however, this seems to ruin the alignment of the multicolumns and the cmidrules. Any ideas how I can fix this?

 \begin{tabular}{cc @{\hskip 4\tabcolsep}
    *{2}{c} @{\hskip 4\tabcolsep}
    *{2}{c} @{\hskip 4\tabcolsep}
    *{2}{c} }
  & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{A} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{B} &  
  \cmidrule(lr){3-4} \cmidrule(lr){5-6}
  & D & E & F & E & F & E & F\\
  G    & 4.6 & 1.7 & 0.35 & 0.30 & 0.5 & 0.21 & 0.24\\
  H    & 6.5 & 2.7 & 1.4  & 1.2  & 1.3  & 0.30 & 5\\
  I    & 8.7 & 7.3 & 4.6  & 8.5  & 89.3  & 3.7  & 2\\
  J    & 1.4  & 13  & 9.7  & 13   & 8.7  & 8.2   & 4\\
  K    & 5 & 2  & 85   & 18   & 74   & 2.9   & 0.24\\

Best Answer

Two things help, in conjunction:

  1. Adjusting the header of \multicolumns to @{}c@{\hskip 4\tabcolsep} --- this deals with the alignment
  2. Adjusting the right trim of \cmidline: (lr{\dimexpr 4\tabcolsep+0.5em}) --- this deals with line lengths

The full code of the upper part of the table is thus:

  & & \multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{\hskip 4\tabcolsep}}{A} & \multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{\hskip 4\tabcolsep}}{B} &  
  \cmidrule(lr{\dimexpr 4\tabcolsep+0.5em}){3-4} \cmidrule(lr{\dimexpr 4\tabcolsep+0.5em}){5-6}
  & D & E & F & E & F & E & F\\

I suspect you will want to further tweak the line lenghts and/or use decimal point alignment...