[Tex/LaTex] Book: Chapter/Section/Subsection Numbering


I'm new to LaTeX but want to try to tex my Linear Algebra lecture. My lecturer is using the following structure:

Chapter 0: Basics

  • § 1 Sets
    • Def. 1.1: Some definition
    • Def. 1.2: Some definition
    • Pro. 1.3: Some proposition
    • Exm. 1.4: Some example
  • § 2 Other section
  • § 3 Other section
    • Def. 3.1: Some definition
    • Def. 3.2: Some definition
    • Pro. 3.3: Some proposition
    • Exm. 3.4: Some example
  • § 4 Other section

Chapter 1: Groups, Rings and Fields

  • § 5 Groups
    • Def. 5.1: Some definition
  • § 6 Rings

The structure in words:

  • Chapters
    • Numbered (starting from 0)
  • Section (in Chapters)
    • Numbered
    • not affected by chapter numbered
    • don't reset when a new chapter is started
    • Start with a §-symbol
  • Subsections (Definitions, Examples, Propositions)
    • Numbered with current Section-Number as prefix
    • Reset each new section

It would be great to be able to write something like this:




\subsection{Def. :}
Some definition.

\subsection{Example :}
Some example.


\chapter{Groupds, Rings, Fields}


\subsection{Def. :}
Some definition



The behaviour differs from the desired behaviour in the following ways: Chapter-Numbering starts at 1, Section-Numbering reset each chapter. Sections don't start with a §-symbol automatically. Subsections contain chapter/section and subsection numbers.

How can I get my desired layout?

Best Answer

In case of numbering sections independent from chapters, the question will be raised how to number definitions/propositions/examples that are placed in a chapter but are not be placed in a section?


Chapter 0 Basics
  1 Elements
  2 Combinations
    Def. 2.1: Some definition
    Def. 2.2: Some definition    
    Pro. 2.3  Some proposition
    Exm. 2.4: Some Example
    2.1 Permutations
    2.2 Sets
      Def. 2.2.1: Some definition
      Def. 2.2.2: Some definition
      Pro. 2.2.3  Some proposition
      Exm. 2.2.4: Some Example
Chapter 1 Groups
  Def. <???>1: Some definition
  Pro. <???>2  Some proposition
  Exm. <???>3: Some Example
  3 Groups
    Def. 3.1: Some definition
    Pro. 3.2  Some proposition
    Exm. 3.3: Some Example
Chapter 2 Rings and Fields  
  Def. <???>1: Some definition
  Pro. <???>2  Some proposition
  Exm. <???>3: Some Example
  4 Rings 
  5 Fields    

How should definitions/propositions/examples in Chapter 1 be named?
They don't belong to section 2. And they don't belong to section 3.

How should definitions/propositions/examples in Chapter 2 be named? They don't belong to section 3. And they don't belong to section 4.

I suggest <???>=<chapter>/<definition/proposition/example number> in these cases:

Chapter 0 Basics
  1 Elements
  2 Combinations
    Def. 2.1: Some definition
    Def. 2.2: Some definition
    Pro. 2.3  Some proposition
    Exm. 2.4: Some Example
    2.1 Permutations
    2.2 Sets
      Def. 2.2.1: Some definition
      Def. 2.2.2: Some definition
      Pro. 2.2.3  Some proposition
      Exm. 2.2.4: Some Example
Chapter 1 Groups
  Def. 1/1: Some definition
  Pro. 1/2  Some proposition
  Exm. 1/3: Some Example
  3 Groups
    Def. 3.1: Some definition
    Def. 3.2: Some definition        
    Pro. 3.3  Some proposition
    Exm. 3.4: Some Example
Chapter 2 Rings and Fields
  Def. 2/1: Some definition
  Pro. 2/2  Some proposition
  Pro. 2/3  Some proposition      
  Exm. 2/4: Some Example
  4 Rings
  5 Fields

Another question is about the numbering of footnotes, tables, figures and equations.

I suggest numbering footnotes per chapter.
I suggest numbering tables, figures and equations per section as deeper sectioning-levels might have equally numbered definition/proposition/example-pendants.

I suggest handling the case of tables/figures/equations in a chapter but not in a section in the same way as definition/proposition/example in a chapter but not in a section, i.e. by prepending "/" to the corresponding number.

Yet another question:

Do you want definitions/propositions/examples to occur within the table of contents as well?

Do you wish something like a separate List of definitions / List of propositions / List of examples.

I suggest not having definitions/propositions/examples occur within the table of contents.
I suggest not having a a separate List of definitions / List of propositions / List of examples.
These things require more crude hacking of the documentclass / of the book class.

\def\tempa#1{\global\csname c@#1\endcsname\z@}%
  \@elt{sectionfakehack}%<-the hack increments sectionfake instead of resetting
                        %  to zero whenever section is incremented via \stepcounter
  \ifnum\number\value{sectionfake}>0 %
  #4{\ifnum\number\value{#2}>0 %
\renewcommand\thesection{\protect\S\texorpdfstring{\protect\,}{ }\arabic{section}}%
  % Remove the dot after chapter-numbers in headers of verso pages:
  %  \markboth{%
  %    \MakeUppercase{%
  %      \ifnum\c@secnumdepth>\m@ne\if@mainmatter\@chapapp\ \thechapter\quad\fi\fi#1%
  %    }%
  %  }{}%
  % Remove the dot after sectioning-paragraph-numbers in headers of recto pages:
    % Ensure uniqueness of hyperref' anchor names:





Some definition.


\label{deflabel}Some definition.

Some definition.

\label{proplabel}Some proposition.

\label{exlabel}Some example.

\section{Other section}

\section{Other section}

Some definition.

Some definition.

Some proposition.

Some example.

\section{Other section}

\chapter{Groups, Rings and Fields}

\label{otherdeflabel}Some definition.


Some definition.


Some definition.


\label{yetanotherdeflabel}Some definition.


\section{Testing referencing}

referencing a definition: \ref{deflabel}\\
referencing a proposition: \ref{proplabel}\\
referencing an example: \ref{exlabel}\\
referencing another definition: \ref{otherdeflabel}\\
referencing yet another definition: \ref{yetanotherdeflabel}