[Tex/LaTex] Bold text in pdf


I use a TexMaker for creation of my report. But when I look the created pdf-file, there is no bold text.
How to fix this?

\bfseries{Lorem ipsum dolor} \textit{sit amet}, consectetuer adipiscing elit.


enter image description here

\documentclass[a4paper, 14pt]{extreport} 

\usepackage{amssymb,amsfonts,amsmath,mathtext,cite,enumerate,float, mathtext} 
\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} %pdftex
\usepackage[format=hang, figurename=Малюнак, tablename=Табліца , labelfont=bf,tableposition=top, labelsep=space, singlelinecheck=false]{caption}





    {\centerline{СПІС ВЫКАРЫСТАНЫХ КРЫНІЦ}}  


\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{ddd}{ -- }
\captionsetup[table]{labelsep=ddd, justification=raggedright, font=normalsize, margin={-0.0cm, 0pt},
\captionsetup[tabularx]{labelsep=ddd, justification=raggedright, font=normalsize, margin={-0.0cm, 0pt},
\captionsetup[longtable]{labelsep=ddd, justification=raggedright, font=normalsize , margin={-0.0cm, 0cm},
\captionsetup[figure]{justification=centering,labelsep=ddd, font=normalsize}















Best Answer

Your code snippet isn't very useful. I tried the following minimal working example:


\bfseries{Lorem ipsum dolor} \textit{sit amet}, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Which results in enter image description here

Please note the command \bfseries has no argument. \bfseries will set the whole text in bold until the current group is closed. On the other hand the command \textbf has an mandatory argument. The command \textbf will print the mandatory argument in bold.

I looked to your log file. I think you should do this too. There are lots of warnings. One of them is:

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T2A/ptm/bx/it' undefined
(Font)              using `T2A/ptm/bx/n' instead on input line 1.

That means the combination with the encoding T2A the font family ptm (Times) with the series bx (bold extended) and the font shape it (itshape) isn't available. So you have to use a font which can use such a combination.

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