[Tex/LaTex] Bold numbers in List of Figures

boldtable of contentstemplates

I'm having trouble modifying a template. I need the numbers in my List of Figures (and tables) to be bolded so that it appears like

Figure 1.1 instead of Figure 1.1

Here is the CLS file, but while, I can find where the List of Figures is generated (search for "%LIF IS HERE") nothing I do actually makes the numbers bold.

\ProvidesClass{ncsuthesis}[2012/01/26 v0.4 NC State ETD conformant thesis class]


%% Spacing options



\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{ncsuthesis}{Unknown option `\CurrentOption'. Ignoring}}
\ExecuteOptions{phd,onehalfspacing} % the default option is <phd, onehalfspacing>

\RequirePackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} % includes lof, lot, refs in toc

%% Capital letter height

%% Line height

%% Leading height: The leading changes thoughout the document, so this
%%  length must be updated

%% We must add two double spaces plus one capital-height (for the page number)
%%  to footskip.  Footskip is measured from the top of the bottom margin.
%%  (See geometry package documentation, note that includefoot option is used.)
\addtolength{\ncsu@footskip}{0.5ex}  % A little extra space to ensure there
                                     %  are 2 full double spaced lines

%% Disposition format -- any titles, headings, section titles

%% Heading/Chapter/Section format
    \renewcommand{\ncsu@headingformat}{\ncsu@dispositionformat #1}

%% \chapter*-to-first line space
%% This applies to preliminary headings, and ToC, LoF, LoT

%% Headers/footers - page number

%% Vertical space around tables and figures, triple spacing

%% Author name
\newcommand{\ncsu@authorfirstmiddle}{First Middle}

%% Command to test for period after middle name
        }{% #1 != .
    {% #2 != relax

    \author{\ncsu@authorfirstmiddle{} \ncsu@authorlast}

%% Degree year - in case the degree year doesn't match the current year.

%% Thesis Title
\newcommand{\ncsu@thesistitle}{My Thesis Title}

\AtBeginDocument{% at begin doc is necessary since fncychap
                 %  redefines \@makeschapterhead
        % Measure the leading here (which depends on the current line spacing),
        % and adjust the spacing accordingly between the baseline of the
        % heading and the top of capital letters on the first line.
          {\ncsu@headingformat #1}%

   \noindent \MakeUppercase{\ncsu@authorlast{}, \ncsu@authorfirstmiddle{}}%
   \ifthenelse{\boolean{@ncsu@needsperiod}}{\@. }{~}%
   (Under the direction of
              {\ncsu@chair}{\ncsu@cochairI\ and \ncsu@cochairII}.)}\\

{\endtitlepage \pagestyle{plain}}

%% Abstract page commands
      \vspace{0.47\textheight} %SPB

      \copyright{} Copyright \ncsu@year{} by \@author \\[1em]
      All Rights Reserved


%% Title page commands


%% To allow for Chair vs Co-chairs:

\newcommand{\ncsu@chair}{Advisor Q. Chair}
\newcommand{\ncsu@chairtitle}{Chair of Advisory Committee}
    % Checking if optional title argument is present.
    % Declare that we have a chair:

\newcommand{\ncsu@cochairI}{Co-chair 1 of Committee}
\newcommand{\ncsu@cochairItitle}{Co-chair of Advisory Committee}
    % Declare that we have co-chairs.

\newcommand{\ncsu@cochairII}{Co-chair 2 of Committee}
\newcommand{\ncsu@cochairIItitle}{Co-chair of Advisory Committee}

\newcommand{\ncsu@memberI}{Member 1 of Committee}

\newcommand{\ncsu@memberII}{Member 2 of Committee}

\newcommand{\ncsu@memberIII}{Member 3 of Committee}

\newcommand{\ncsu@memberIV}{Member 4 of Committee}

   A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of\\
   North Carolina State University\\
   in partial fulfillment of the\\
   requirements for the Degree of\\
   Doctor of Philosophy   
 }{} % end ifthenels phd
   A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of\\
   North Carolina State University\\
   in partial fulfillment of the\\
   requirements for the Degree of\\
   Master of Science
 }{} % end ifthenels phd

\newcommand{\ncsu@program}{Degree Program}

\newcommand{\ncsu@citystate}{Raleigh, North Carolina}

     #2\\ #1

         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[6em]
    }{} % end ifthenelse = 3
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[6em]
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIIItitle]{\ncsu@memberIII} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@chairtitle]{\ncsu@chair} \\
    }{} % end ifthenelse = 4
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[5em]
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIIItitle]{\ncsu@memberIII} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIVtitle]{\ncsu@memberIV} \\[5em]
    }{} % end ifthenelse = 5
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[5em]
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIIItitle]{\ncsu@memberIII} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIVtitle]{\ncsu@memberIV} \\[5em]
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberVtitle]{\ncsu@memberV} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@chairtitle]{\ncsu@chair} \\
    }{} % end ifthenelse = 6
  }{} % end ifthenelse type = chair
    % co-chairs; if number is odd, put co-chairs on top line.
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairItitle]{\ncsu@cochairI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairIItitle]{\ncsu@cochairII} \\[6em]
    }{} % end ifthenelse = 3
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[6em]
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairItitle]{\ncsu@cochairI} &
    }{} % end ifthenelse = 4
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairItitle]{\ncsu@cochairI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairIItitle]{\ncsu@cochairII} \\[5em]
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[5em]
    }{} % end ifthenelse = 5
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberItitle]{\ncsu@memberI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIItitle]{\ncsu@memberII} \\[5em]
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIIItitle]{\ncsu@memberIII} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@memberIVtitle]{\ncsu@memberIV} \\[5em]
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairItitle]{\ncsu@cochairI} &
         \ncsu@signatureline[\ncsu@cochairIItitle]{\ncsu@cochairII} \\
    }{} % end ifthenelse = 6
  }{} % end ifthenelse type = cochair

        by \\

%%  Template

%%  Dedication

%%  Biography

%%  Acknowledgements

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\settowidth{\cftchapnumwidth}{\textbf{Chapter 00}}
\renewcommand{\cftchappresnum}{Chapter }
%% tocloft typesets ToC title, so we must give it our heading formats

%\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{List of Figures} 
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES} %SPB
\settowidth{\cftfignumwidth}{Figure 00.000}

\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{\textbf{Figure }}%LIF IS HERE
    \setlength{\cftfigindent}{.01in} %SPB

%\renewcommand{\listtablename}{List of Tables} SPB
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES} %SPB
\settowidth{\cfttabnumwidth}{Table 00.000}
\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table }
    \setlength{\cfttabindent}{.01in} %SPB

%%  Loading pdflscape package for page rotation
%%  Loading fancyhdr package to change page numbering
%%  Loading sideways for sideways environment



%% Rotate page and page number
%%   The syntax of the \changepage command is
%% \changepage{textheight}{textwidth}{evensidemargin}{oddsidemargin}{columnsep}
%%            {topmargin}{headheight}{headsep}{footskip}
     \fancyhead{} % clear all header fields
     \fancyfoot{} % clear all footer fields
           \put(0.055,0.557){\begin{sideways}\thepage\end{sideways}} % page number






%% natbib redefines \thebibliography, so we add our own requirements
%% at \begin{document} time.
        \doublespacing %%modification 12/12/13 by isbayram@ncsu.edu, Grad School requires double spacing in the references

\settowidth{\appendixwidth}{Appendix A}

%% Count the total number of appendices
\regtotcounter{chapter} % chapter counter is used for appendices


\ifthenelse{\c@tocdepth > 2}

    % Appendix title page heading not defined, define it
        \ifthenelse{\totvalue{chapter} = 1 }%
        %% number of appendices = 1
        %% number of appendices > 1
    % Appendix title page heading already defined, do nothing

    \chapter*{\ncsu@appendixheader} %% insert 'Appendix' titlepage
    %% Adding "Appendix" before letter in TOC
    %%  We must change the width of the box which the appendix letter is set in
    %%  and add the "Appendix " before the letter.  See tocloft documentation.
        \protect\renewcommand{\protect\cftchappresnum}{Appendix }
    \ncsu@appendix %% call internal \appendix macro
} % \renewcommand{appendix}
} % \AtBeginDocument

%% Copyright (C) 2009-2012 by Josh Hykes <jmhykes@ncsu.edu> and others
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either
%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
%% version.  The latest version of this license is in the file:
%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status).
%% This work consists of the file  ncsuthesis.dtx
%% and the derived files           ncsuthesis.ins,
%%                                 ncsuthesis.pdf and
%%                                 ncsuthesis.cls.
%% End of file `ncsuthesis.cls'.

A reduced version of my .tex file looks like this. Can anyone help me?

\documentclass[12pt,          % font size: 11pt or 12pt
               phd,           % degree:    ms or phd
               onehalfspacing % spacing: onehalfspacing or doublespacing

\usepackage{booktabs}  % professionally typeset tables
\usepackage{textcomp}  % better copyright sign, among other things
\usepackage{lipsum}    % filler text
\usepackage{subfig}    % composite figures

%%%%%%%%%%% Hack for alphanumeric bibliography
            hyperref=true, %    
            maxnames=2, %for et al to be used
            maxalphanames=1, %to avoid printing a + for every et al in the abbreviation

%needed to do et al after two names

%Simplify abbreviation (the default uses either one or two authors and it indicates et al with a +)
%The following five lines make it so that only the first author is used in the abbreviation

%\AtEveryCitekey{\ifciteseen{}{\defcounter{maxnames}{99}}} %authoryear          









\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math
\usepackage{verbatim}% multiline commenting
\usepackage{graphicx} %eps figures can be used instead

\robustify{\DateMark} % after having loaded abbrevs

\usepackage{units} %Needed to solve bug from citation Hydrodynamics in 21/2 dimensions
%see http://www.latex-community.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=989

\usepackage[sharp]{easylist} %used for brainstorming purposes 
%\usepackage{mathabx} % used for \Asterisk for convolution %conflicts with \widering

%compile on single pass

%%%Fancy tables



{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}

%%%% Hack for containing figures within sections
%De­fines a \FloatBar­rier com­mand, be­yond which floats may not pass; use­ful, for ex­am­ple, to en­sure all floats for a sec­tion ap­pear be­fore the next \sec­tion com­mand.

\dispositionformat{\bfseries}            % bold and serif

\headingformat{\large\MakeUppercase}   % All letters uppercase


\student{John M.}{Smith} % a middle initial

%% Degree program
\program{Computer Science}

\thesistitle{A North Carolina State University Sample \LaTeX{} Thesis \break 
with a Title So Long it Needs a Line Break}

%%---------------------------- Personal Macros -------------------------------%%

%% A few examples to get you started.




%This makes it so that you can add short paths in your .tex by including the folders where you store your images in the search path

%% Capital letter height
\addtolength{\chapterfootskip}{0.5ex}  % A little extra space to ensure there are 2 full double spaced lines
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES}


                       -\abovecaptionskip -\belowcaptionskip
                       -(12pt * #1) % assuming baselineskip of 12pt in caption


%landscape support in fancyhdr from http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/9071/how-to-translate-and-rotate-the-heading-of-landscaped-pages
    \tikz[remember picture,overlay]
      \node[outer sep=1cm,above,rotate=90] at (current page.east) {\thepage};}




\newgeometry{margin=1in,lmargin=1.25in,footskip=\chapterfootskip, includehead, includefoot}

 \setlength\bibitemsep{11pt} %22pt = 2*11pt, where fontsize is 11pt
 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{{\uppercase{\bibname}}} %\textorpdfstring and \uppercase needed due to hyperref package http://www.latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=16601
}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{11pt}{\bf\filcenter}



Best Answer

You can just add the following to your preamble:

\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{\bfseries Figure }

The above code lets the font change (to bold) run through to the end of the figure number within the LoF, rather than have it remain with only the word Figure.

The following is a recreation of the solution:

enter image description here


\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{\bfseries Figure }
\settowidth{\cftfignumwidth}{Figure 00.0000}



\begin{figure} \caption{A figure} \end{figure}

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