[Tex/LaTex] Bold math using mathspec


I can't seem to make my math come out in bold using the mathspec package. Consider this example:


\setallmainfonts{Times New Roman}


\textbf{This line should all be bold: {\boldmath $17^2 = 289$}.}


When compiled, it gives:


If mathspec is not used, then the math is bold, like it should be. How can I make my custom-font math bold as well?

Best Answer

Separating out the font setting for math and text seems to work

\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\setmathfont{Times New Roman}


\textbf{This line should all be bold: {\boldmath $17^2 = 289$}.}

\textbf{This line should all be bold except the
math: {$17^2 = 289$}.}
