[Tex/LaTex] Bold font error


When I type the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS page using bold font, the following text is still bold while it should be normal (not bold). I used this code:

\rhead{\thepage}  % Sets the right side header to show the page number
\begin{center}{\normalsize{\bf ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS} \par}\end{center}
  First, I am grateful to GOD bla bla bla }
\clearpage  % Declaration ended, now start a new page

Best Answer

You have at least 4 main ways to have some text in bold:

  • \textbf{Bold text is here}
  • {\bfseries Bold text is here}
  • \bfseries Bold text is here \mdseries
  • \begin{bfseries} Bold text is here \end{bfseries}

As said by David Carlisle, you should not use \bf but \bfseries instead.