[Tex/LaTex] Bold arrows in xymatrix


How can I produce a bold arrow in the package \xymatrix? I've tried with \ar@{\bf{->}}[r] and similar alternatives without success.

Best Answer

If you try compiling this document with pdflatex

\xymatrix{A \ar@*{[|(3)]}[r] & B}

you receive the following warnings

<xymatrix 2x1

Xy-pic Warning: The linewidth 1.19994pt effect is not implemented
with the current driver. [notimpl:4].

Xy-pic Warning: The linewidth 1.19994pt effect is not implemented
with the current driver. [notimpl:4].

Xy-pic Warning: The linewidth 1.19994pt effect is not implemented
with the current driver. [notimpl:4].


This means that the feature is not available with the current implementation of the xypdf driver (version 1.7)

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