[Tex/LaTex] Blank slide generated between the title and the first content slides when using beamer with pandoc


I am new to beamer. Given the following mwe:

title: Tensorflow
subtitle: Cloud Computing Capstone Presentation 
fonttheme: structurebold
author: Stephen Boesch
fontsize: 12pt
    theme: lumen
    fig_caption: no        

## TensorFlow!

Distributed DataFlow Graph based Mathematical Computations
Google's Second Generation Deep and Machine Learning Platform

And running with:

pandoc –slide-level=2 -H beamer.tex -s -t beamer –toc-depth=5 –toc –pdf-engine xelatex -o mwe.pdf mwe.md

There is a blank page generated after the pandoc generated title slide and before the Tensforflow! headed first content slide.

enter image description here

Any tips how to fix this? thanks.

Best Answer

The empty slide contains the ToC, which is empty, since you are not using toplevel devisions (i.e. #). This could be solved by either adding a toplevel devision:

title: Tensorflow
subtitle: Cloud Computing Capstone Presentation 
fonttheme: structurebold
author: Stephen Boesch
fontsize: 12pt
    theme: lumen
    fig_caption: no        

# Part 1

## TensorFlow!

Distributed DataFlow Graph based Mathematical Computations
Google's Second Generation Deep and Machine Learning Platform

Or by omitting the option --toc when calling pandoc.