[Tex/LaTex] Blank page causing duplicate page one.


Newbie here.
I get a blank,numbered page after running the following \maketitle command in my document.

Is this part of the report class that I am using? How can i remove the blank page?

\let\footnotesize\small \let\footnoterule\relax \setcounter{page}{0}
\title{Final Year Project Interim Report\\[0.5cm]\rule{4cm}{1pt}\\[0.7cm]
\author{\LARGE \studentname}\\[0.5cm]\rule{4cm}{1pt}\\[0.5cm]
\textsf{\Large  Blah[0.5cm]
\textsf{\Large  \textbf{Supervisor:}  \supervisorname}\\[0.5cm]
\textsf{\Large  \textbf{Mentor:}  \moderatorname}\\[1.8cm]
\textsf{\Large Blah\vfill
\normalsize \today}

It occurs to me that I might not have provided enough information. If so let me know.

edit: the (as minimal as i could) working example:

tex file:




\tableofcontents\pdfbookmark[0]{Table of Contents}{toc}\newpage




cls file:

\LoadClass[11pt, titlepage]{report}

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}

\fancyfoot[CO]{\small\textsf{Page \thepage~of~\pageref{endpage}}}

      \def\@oddfoot{\normalfont\hfil\small\textsf{Page \thepage~of~\pageref{endpage}}\hfil}%
      \def\@evenfoot{\normalfont\hfil\small\textsf{Page \thepage~of~\pageref{endpage}}\hfil}}


{section}%                    % the name
{1}%                          % the level
{0mm}%                        % the indent
{10.6mm}%             % the beforeskip
{4.2mm}%           % the afterskip
{\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily}}  % the style

{subsection}%                    % the name
{2}%                          % the level
{0mm}%                        % the indent
{6.4mm}%             % the beforeskip
{1.1mm}%           % the afterskip
{\Large\bfseries\sffamily}}  % the style

{subsubsection}%                    % the name
{3}%                          % the level
{0mm}%                        % the indent
{4.2mm}%             % the beforeskip
{1.1mm}%           % the afterskip
{\normalsize\bfseries\sffamily}}  % the style

%  %\thispagestyle{empty}
%  \pagestyle{fancy}
%  \doublespacing
%  \global\@topnum\z@
%  \@afterindentfalse
%  \secdef\@chapter\@schapter


%% Chapter headings should be centered, uppercase, and at the top of the page.
  { \parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
    \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
        \huge\textsf{\@chapapp\space \thechapter:}
        % \par\nobreak
        %\vskip 20\p@
    \huge \bfseries \textsf{#1}\par\nobreak
    \vskip 20\p@
  } }

  { \parindent \z@ \raggedright
    \huge \bfseries  \textsf{#1}\par\nobreak
    \vskip 20\p@




    \let\footnotesize\small \let\footnoterule\relax \setcounter{page}{0}
    \author{\LARGE \studentname}\\[0.5cm]\rule{4cm}{1pt}\\[0.5cm]
    \textsf{\Large blah[0.5cm]}
    \textsf{\Large  \textbf{Supervisor:}  \supervisorname}\\[0.5cm]
    \textsf{\Large  \textbf{Mentor:}  \moderatorname}\\[1.8cm]
    \textsf{\Large blah\\\vfill
    \normalsize \today}


Best Answer

The comments show that the problem was solved, though it appears not to be known exactly what solved it. Here is an “answer” to save the question from counting as unsolved in the future. It's community wiki, so anybody can add to it if they have anything useful to say.