[Tex/LaTex] Big curly braces Inside the equation


I am trying to print following following equation in latex


The code I have

\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
  P(Z_{n+1}=T|Z,Z_{1}\dots Z_{n}; \alpha) =
       c(n) = \frac{\alpha}{n} & \text{for }1\le i<l\\

The code doesn't produce the required output.

Produced result.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Something like the following? (Observe that \mid gives better spacing than | does.)

enter image description here

   P(z_{n+1}=t \mid z_{1},\dots ,z_{n}; \alpha) = 
     \frac{n_t}{n+\alpha} & \text{if table $t$ is occupied}\\
     \frac{\alpha}{n+\alpha} & \text{if table $t$ is empty}