[Tex/LaTex] BibTeX Style for Electronic Letters Magazine


Does anyone know a BibTeX style (bst) suitable to be used in the Electronic Letters Magazine?

I have the LaTeX template from here: http://digital-library.theiet.org/journals/el/author-guide, but not the BibTeX style.

And I am not quite sure if the IEEEtran is suitable for that.


Best Answer

From checking the journal's presentation guide and judging by the paucity of bibliography-related information in sample.tex (the file that comes with the class file), I'd say you're safe -- for the purpose of submitting a manuscript to the journal -- using just about any bibliography style that (a) produces numeric-style citation call-outs and (b) abbreviates authors' first and middle names down to the initials. You could use a bib style such as apalike, or any one of the IEEE styles. If you use the natbib citation management package, be sure to load it with the option numbers; natbib's default style for citation call-outs is authoryear.

If and when your paper is accepted for publication, you'll hopefully get some real instructions regarding how the bibliography should be formatted.