[Tex/LaTex] BibTex generates an empty .bbl file


I am new to Latex and I have a problem with generating bibliography.

I created a file ArticleEGC.bib and I am calling it from my ArticleEGC.tex file but when I generate the final pdf, it doesn't get the references and the citations are not called. The generated bbl file also turns out to be empty.

This is the bib file :

    Author         = {El Haddadi, A.},
    School         = {Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier},
    Title          = {Fouille multidimensionnelle sur les données textuelles visant à extraire les réseaux sociaux et sémantiques pour leur exploitation via la téléphonie mobile},
    Type           = {Thèse de doctorat},
    Year           = 2011

    Author         = {Ghalamallah, I.},
    School         = {Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier},
    Title          = {\'Proposition d'un modèle d'analyse exploratoire multidimensionnelle dans un contexte d'Intelligence Economique},
    Type           = {Thèse de doctorat},
    Year           = {2009}

    Author         = {Rees, K.},
    Institution    = {Periscopic},
    Note           = {Review on Gephi},
    Title          = {Data Visualization Review: Gephi, Free Graph Exploration Software},
    Year           = {2010}

    Author         = {Dousset, B.},
    Journal        = {SciWatch Journal},
    Title          = {Intelligence économique : proposition d’un outil dédié à l’analyse relationnelle},
    Volume         = {3},
    Year           = {2008}

This is the generated bbl file :




This is the call from the tex file :

Les points forts et faibles de Gephi cités ci-après sont basés sur une étude de \citet{rees:2010} ainsi que sur notre propre étude.



The generated pdf gives this :

Les points forts et faibles de Gephi cités ci-après sont basés sur une étude de ? ainsi que sur notre propre étude.

The log shows the following messages :

[BibTeX] finished with exit code 2

and :

Citation `rees:2010` on page 3 undefined on line173.

and :

./articleegc.bbl:9: Empty `thebibliography` environment on input line9.
./articleegc.tex:0: There were undefined citations.

I am using Kile 2.1.3 under Ubuntu 14.04.

What is the problem and how can I fix it?

Best Answer

I have checked the blg file.

I have changed the file names to be fully in small letters instead of capital and small letters articleegc.tex and articleegc.bib instead of ArticleEGC.tex and ArticleEGC.bib and it worked!

Is that even logical?