[Tex/LaTex] bibliographystyle “unsrt” not working


I am using unsrt for bibliographystyle but getting an incorrect sequence in the References section in the pdf. Here's the content of the .tex file:

\title{\textbf{\large{Title Goes Here}}}
Author Name
I am using unsrt.
I want to cite these two: ~\cite{JMechPhysSol_analytical} and ~\cite{OrigPaper}.
But they appear in the reverse order.
  J. Cheng, E. H. Jordan, B. Barber, M. Gell, 
  ``Thermal/Residual Stress in an Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposited Thermal Barrier          
  \textit{Acta Mater.}, \textbf{46}, 5839-5850 (1998).
  D. S. Balint, J.W. Hutchinson,
  ``An Analytical model of rumpling in thermal barrier coatings.''
  \textit{J. Mech. Phys. Solids}, \textbf{53}, 949-973 (2005).


Here's the ouput:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You need to let BibTeX perform the organization (and sorting, if needed) of your bibliography. If you enter the \bibitems manually, there's no way it will be sorted/arranged according to your style (unsrt). So, follow the sequence:

  1. Write your bibliography in a separate .bib file using the appropriate BibTeX entry format.
  2. Compile filename.tex once (in order to obtain a correct/current .aux).
  3. Run bibtex filename (in order to obtain a correct/current .bbl).
  4. Compile filename.tex again (in order to include the correct/current .bbl).

Here's an example with the .bib embedded in the .tex using filecontents:

enter image description here

  author = {J Cheng and EH Jordan and B Barber and M Gell},
  title = {Thermal/Residual Stress in an Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposited Thermal Barrier},
  journal = {Acta Mater.},
  volume = {46},
  pages = {5839-5850},
  year = {1998}
  author = {DS Balint and JW Hutchinson},
  title = {An Analytical model of rumpling in thermal barrier coatings.},
  journal = {J.\ Mech.\ Phys.\ Solids},
  volume = {53},
  pages = {949-973},
  year = {2005}
\title{\textbf{\large{Title Goes Here}}}
\author{Author Name}

I am using \verb|unsrt|.
I want to cite these two:~\cite{JMechPhysSol_analytical} and~\cite{OrigPaper}.


Note how there was no specification of formatting for the journal or number in the .bib - all of that was done by BibTeX.

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