[Tex/LaTex] Bibliographystyle, how to edit apalike style


I use


It is perfect to me, except for one (not so little) detail, the way authors names are displayed in the bibliography (example) :

Dupond, P., Beh, M., …

LastName1, FirstName1, LastName2, FirstName2, …

you will have to admit, this is completly awful to read, the point/comma thing or the use of the same separator (comma) for firstname-lastname and different authors is confusing and wrong, I would like to obtain something like that :

P. Dupond, M. Beh, …

FirstName1 LastName1, FirstName2 LastName2, …

but I don't want to change the way apalike manage everything else (especialy citation display \cite), is there any way I can achieve this? Or any other bibliographystyle that might suits my needs?

Edit 1 :
MWE under Bernard suggestion, everything worked previously, now the citation is just bold (no link) and no bibliography appears anywhere



\usepackage[ocgcolorlinks, allcolors=blue]{hyperref}




\renewcommand{\bibname}{Références} \markboth{Références}{Références}
\printbibliography \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Références}


bib file :

% This file was created with JabRef 2.9.2.
% Encoding: Cp1252

  author = {LName1, FName1 and LastName2, FirstName2 and LastName3, FirstName3},
  title = {title},
  journal = {journal},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {10},
  pages = {23--29},
  number = {0},
  __markedentry = {[myname:6]},
  booktitle = {booktitle},
  issn = {2212-8271},
  keywords = {keywaords},
  owner = {my name},
  timestamp = {2014.03.05},
  url = {an url}

Editor warning : Citation 'NameDate' undefiened

Best Answer

Here is a solution for the APA style. It uses the xpatch package to modify the apauthor name format. The package has a series of commands to patch most, if not all, biblatex commands.



    \usepackage[ocgcolorlinks, allcolors=blue]{hyperref}





enter image description here

Other features may be modified in the same way. The method is always the same: identify the macros that are, as a last resort, responsible for the formatting you want to change and patch it. This supposes you look deep into the .bbx (for bibliography formatting) or .cbx (for citations formatting) files.