[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography undefined errors


This is a working example that provides multiple error messages including that it couldn't find the authors. It doesn't accept any style format, including apastyle.

Error message:

    This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2015)
The top-level auxiliary file: stackover.aux
I couldn't open style file apastyle.bst
---line 5 of file stackover.aux
 : \bibstyle{apastyle
 :                   }
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I couldn't open database file bib.bib
---line 6 of file stackover.aux
 : \bibdata{bib
 :             }
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no database files---while reading file stackover.aux
I found no style file---while reading file stackover.aux
(There were 4 error messages)

enter image description here

The tex file:


\def\newblock{\ }%

\graphicspath{ {images/} }








The bib file:

  AUTHOR =      {Li, Y. and Tellis, G.J.},
  TITLE =       { Does Province Matter? Intra-Country Differences in the Takeoff of New Products},
  JOURNAL =     {Technovation},
  YEAR =        {2015},
  volume =      { N/A},
  number =      { N/A},
  pages =       {N/A},

  AUTHOR =      {Hart, S. L.},
  TITLE =       {A natural resource-based view of the firm},
  JOURNAL =     {Academy of Management Review},
  YEAR =        {1995},
  volume =      {20},
  number =      {4},
  pages =       {986-1014},

  AUTHOR =       {Chandrasekaran, D. and Tellis, G. J. },
  TITLE =        {Global takeoff of new products: Culture, wealth or vanishing differences? },
  JOURNAL =      {Marketing Science},
  YEAR =         {2008 },
  volume =       { 27},
  number =       { 5},
  pages =        { 844-860},

Best Answer

There is no apastyle bibliography style. This is what the message

I couldn't open style file apastyle.bst

tells you. However, there is apalike, which works with your example. So, replace




You should also make sure that you reference the correct file with \bibliography. You say \bibliography{bib}, but bibtex says there is no such file:

I couldn't open database file bib.bib

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