[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography tools that are compatible with biblatex and biber


I’m currently in the process of reconsidering how I do bibliography management. It seems to be most sensible to use biblatex with biber. I’d like to know what tools are available on which I can build a solution that works for me. I’m interested in everything from full-blown bibliography management suites to pretty-printers for .bib files; both as traditional programs and online services.

Tools in question should fulfill the following criteria:

  • Unicode support.
  • Support for the additional entry types and fields that biblatex supports.
  • Support for biber’s improved cross-referencing.

Best Answer

I am most familiar with JabRef. It has Unicode support and a biblatex mode. You can also customize JabRef to have any entry type and field you can think of. There is no built-in cross-referencing support in JabRef, but you can set up the corresponding fields yourself.

The newest version of Citavi (3.1) has biblatex support as well, as the announcement (at least in German) states. This might not be complete, since it is the first version with biblatex support. Citavi has a built-in cross-referencing functionality, but the workflow with LaTeX is not intuitive, as Citavi does not store the data in .bib format.

JabRef works on all platforms (with Java), Citavi is Windows only. Development for a Mac version have stopped in November 2011 (Link).

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