[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography – how to fix local language style (change pages to strony)


I use papalike bibliography style that should be a polish counterpart of apalike style.
Unfortunately, within the generated bibliography, word "pages" is used instead of "strony":

pages word is used instead of strony

According to Wikipedia, I added following lines to my document preamble:


but it results in error only: Package babelbib Error: Language polish in bibliography unknown by babelbib.

So that, I would like to ask if it is possible to re-define this one word in bibliography?

My MWE is as follows:


    \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

     \usepackage[english, polish]{babel}
    \usepackage[unicode, naturalnames, breaklinks]{hyperref}

    \usepackage{longtable,booktabs, graphicx, pdfpages}
        \graphicspath{ {figures/} }




    \usepackage[a4paper,includeheadfoot, margin=2.5cm]{geometry}



\section{Some text}

\subsection{Some subsection}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vulputate nisi dolor, vitae eleifend sem vehicula a. Nulla libero mi, scelerisque et dapibus at.


    \bicaption{Polish caption ĄĆŹŚÓŁ with citation \cite{ScipalTripleCol}}{English caption just below with citation: \cite{ScipalTripleCol}}


    \bicaption{Polish caption here with special letters: ĄĆŹŚÓŁ}{English caption just below}
        1st col   & 2nd col \\ \hline
        some text & ---     \\ \hline

    \bibliographystyle{papalike} %%% THIS should be a polish counterpart of apalike style
    {\footnotesize \bibliography{bibliografia}}


My .bib file looks as follows:

    author={Mark Andrew and Thomas Wo and Jeremy Rex},
    booktitle={There is no such book},
    title = "{Sample Title}",
    journal={Journal of LaTeX},

Best Answer

Quick and dirty solution is to find the .bst style file and grep it for pages. You should have something like this inside:

FUNCTION {bbl.pages}
{ "strony" }

FUNCTION {bbl.page}
{ "strona" }
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