IEEEtran – Journal Names Not Abbreviated with IEEEabrv


I am using the following syntax, with no errors or warnings. However, the journal names are still not abbreviated. I compiled the file numerous times, as well as the bibliography. Everything compiles with no errors.

The syntax:


Additional info:
I am using BibDesk and TeXStudio on a macbook.

Do you have any idea what might be the issue? and how to solve it?
Thank you.


Example entry from the IEEEabrv file:

@STRING{IEEE\_M\_COM        = "{IEEE} Commun. Mag."}

Example entry from my references file:

    Author = {Test, T.},
    Journal = {IEEE\_M\_COM },
    Month = {September}

Best Answer

A predefined string should not be inside braces; you must use it literally, in this case with no backslash. TeX won't see the underscores, because BibTeX will do the substitution.

    Author = {Test, T.},
    Journal = IEEE_M_COM,
    Month = {September}






I used filecontents just for the convenience of a self-contained example. Fix your references.bib file and use that.

enter image description here

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