[Tex/LaTex] Bibliography and sitography


I'm creating my thesis in LaTeX and it's the first time I use it. As a template I'm using that of Tufte.

I have a bibliography and I would also like to create a sitography separate from the bibliography (on another page).

This is a piece of my code:


Lorem ipsum \cite{ColinWare_InformationVisualization}, \cite{BenShneiderman_TheEyesHaveIt}, \cite{UsabilityFirst}.



and bibliography.bib is:

    author = {Colin Ware},
    title = {Information visualization: perception for design},
    year = {2012},
    publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
    edition = {Third},
    isbn = {978-0123814647}

    author = {Ben Shneiderman},
    title = {The eyes have it: a task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations},
    year = {1996}

    title = {{Usability first} Scientifi visualization definition},
    howpublished = {\url{http://www.usabilityfirst.com/glossary/scientific-visualization/}}

I want to separate misc elements to report and book elements.
report and book elements should be in a section called Bibliography, misc elements should be in a section called Sitography.

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric, defernumbers]{biblatex}


\printbibliography[nottype=online, heading=subbibliography, title=Bibliography]
\printbibliography[type=online, heading=subbibliography, title=Sitography]


enter image description here

We are almost there. Here's what I got:

enter image description here

Why in brackets there are no numbers but the letter o?
Why is the title not formatted as if it were the title of a chapter?

Thene elements of type booklet, misc and online are not printed..

    ALTauthor = {Wouter Van den Broeck, Corrado Gioannini, Bruno Gonçalves, Marco Quaggiotto, Vittoria Colizza, Alessandro Vespignani},
    title = {The GLEAMviz computational tool, a publicly available software to explore realistic epidemic spreading scenarios at the global scale},
    date = {2011},
    OPTurl = {https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2334-11-37}
    ALTauthor = {},
    title = {Usability first: scientific visualization definition},
    date = {2011},
    url = {http://www.usabilityfirst.com/glossary/scientific-visualization/}

Best Answer

With biblatex you could try something like this.

Note that the filecontents bit is only to make the example self-contained. In your real document you will have a normal .bib file.

The tufte-book class normally loads natbib, so we explicitly tell it that we want to take over full control over which package we load by passing the nobib option to the document class. (You get errors if you don't do that since natbib and biblatex are incompatible.)

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric, defernumbers]{biblatex}

  author    = {Colin Ware},
  title     = {Information visualization: perception for design},
  year      = {2012},
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  edition   = {3},
  isbn      = {978-0123814647}
  author = {Ben Shneiderman},
  title  = {The eyes have it: a task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations},
  year   = {1996}
  title = {{Usability first} Scientific visualization definition},
  url   = {http://www.usabilityfirst.com/glossary/scientific-visualization/},


Lorem ipsum \cite{ColinWare_InformationVisualization,BenShneiderman_TheEyesHaveIt,UsabilityFirst}.

\printbibliography[nottype=online, heading=subbibliography, title=Bibliography]
\printbibliography[type=online, heading=subbibliography, title=Sitography]

enter image description here

I made the online source an @online entry, but you can do the same thing with @misc if you prefer that.

Note that you will have to run Biber instead of BibTeX, see Biblatex with Biber: Configuring my editor to avoid undefined citations, and that in general you are now using biblatex and not natbib any more, so you might want to read bibtex vs. biber and biblatex vs. natbib and What to do to switch to biblatex?.

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