[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex: Using “and” within textcite, “&” within parencite, “&” within bibliography


I am very new to LaTeX as you will see from my crude MWE. I have spent a lot of time tweaking biblatex to how I need it to look. I have one final problem, I can not find a work around and can't find a solution on the site.

I would like to show an "and" for my \textcite when there are multiple authors, which it currently does. Although I would like to have "&" for my \parencite with multiple authors. I would also like to have my bibliography showing "&".

Please find MWE and any help would be appreciated.

\documentclass[12pt, twoside]{report}
    uniquename=init,giveninits,giveninits=true, terseinits=true,hyperref]{biblatex}

\DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{last-first}%Surname first






\renewcommand{\labelnamepunct}{\addcomma\addspace}%Sets comma
\renewcommand*{\newunitpunct}{\addcomma\space}%Sets commas

\setlength{\bibhang}{0em}%remove indent
\setlength\bibitemsep{\baselineskip}% add vertical space

 author = "Family, Given and Second, A and Given, Two",
 title = "title",
 journal = "Journal",
 year = "2012"}

  Title                    = {A Temperature Compensation Technique for Near-Infrared Methane Gas Threshold Detection},
  Author                   = {J. Leis and D. Buttsworth},
  Journal                  = {{IEEE} Trans. Ind. Electron.},
  Year                     = {2016},
  Month                    = mar,
  Number                   = {3},
  Pages                    = {1813--1821},
  Volume                   = {63},
  File                     = {ieeetie-2016.pdf:PDF},




I would like to use {\bfseries ``\&''} within the {\bfseries bibliography}. \\
I would like to use {\bfseries ``and''} in {\bfseries textcite} \textcite{leis2016} \\ 
I would like to use {\bfseries ``\&''} within {\bfseries parencite} \parencite{leis2016}.\\

Example of three authors would be the same as above \textcite{test} using {\bfseries ``and''} within {\bfseries textcite}. \\

Although using {\bfseries parencite} to be {\bfseries ``\&''} \parencite{test}. 





enter image description here

Best Answer

Change of the final name delimiter between \parencite and \textcite from "&" to "and" as in

(Sigfridsson & Ryde, 1998) and Sigfridsson and Ryde (1998)

is a feature of APA style. See for example https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/01/writing-in-text-citations-in-apa-style.html and https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/02/changes-parentheses-bring.html.

If you are looking for a complete implementation of APA style with biblatex, you may be interested in biblatex-apa, which when loaded as

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}

should produce a bibliography and citations according to APA guidelines.

The answer below shows how to change the final name delimiter in the standard styles.

With the new context sensitive delimiter interface that should be as easy as redefining finalnamdelim in global scope to give an ampersand and to give "and" for textcite.


\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}







Sigfridsson & Ryde 1998; Goossens, Mittelbach & Samarin 1994\(Sigfridsson & Ryde 1998; Goossens, Mittelbach & Samarin 1994)\Sigfridsson and Ryde (1998) and Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin (1994)\Goossens, Michel, Frank Mittelbach & Alexander Samarin (1994).\Sigfridsson, Emma & Ulf Ryde (1998).

Edited to use the context sensitive delimiter interface. See the edit history for older versions of biblatex.