[Tex/LaTex] biblatex style matching stock ACM style


Has anyone done a biblatex bibliography style that matches the stock acm.bst as far as formatting? I want biblatex's more sophisticated handling of things like URLs, but the journal I'm submitting to specifies ACM-style formatting.

Best Answer

With Alan Munn's cautionary note in mind, here's something that should get you started. First, an example of traditional BibTeX using acm.bst:



  author = {Blinder, Alan S.},
  year = {1974},
  title = {The economics of brushing teeth},
  journal = {Journal of Political Economy},
  volume = {82},
  number = {4},
  pages = {887--891},
  author = {Kottwitz, Stefan},
  year = {2011},
  title = {\LaTeX\ Beginner's Guide},
  address = {Birmingham},
  publisher = {Packt Publishing},





enter image description here

And the same example using biblatex and its configuration possibilities. (Note the differences in the .bib file: journal is replaced with journaltitle, address is replaced with location.)

Some additional tweaks are specified here for multiple-author works, but more may be needed for other entry categories; see Guidelines for customizing biblatex styles for further advice.


\usepackage[style=numeric,firstinits=true]{biblatex}% "style=numeric" is default


  %% commas between authors

 andothers = {\addcomma\addspace\textsc{et\addabbrvspace al}\adddot},
 and = {\textsc{and}}








  author = {Blinder, Alan S.},
  year = {1974},
  title = {The economics of brushing teeth},
  journaltitle = {Journal of Political Economy},
  volume = {82},
  number = {4},
  pages = {887--891},
  author = {Kottwitz, Stefan},
  year = {2011},
  title = {\LaTeX\ Beginner's Guide},
  location = {Birmingham},
  publisher = {Packt Publishing},






enter image description here