[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex multible bibliographies using keywords not working


I'm trying to print a sperate bibliography for references for figures but only one of the bibliographies prints at the end of the document.

Warnings in the document:

Keyword 'primary' not found on input line 8.
Empty bibliography on input line 8.

Minimal working example:


Hello\cite{KandR} and Goodbye\cite{CUEDCplusplus}

\printbibliography[keyword=primary, title={Primary references}]
\printbibliography[notkeyword=primary, title={Other references}]


   author  = {Kernighan, Brian W. and Ritchie, Dennis M.},
   title  = {The C Programming Language Second Edition},
   publisher = {Prentice-Hall, Inc.},
   year = {1988}

   author  = {Love, T.P.},
   title   = {CUED C++},
   url = {http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/languages/C++.html},
   urlyear = {2010}

Screenshot of the result
Only one bibliography prints

Best Answer

That should be keywords (with s!) in the bib-file:
