[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex : custom articles and books


I recently started to use Biblatex and customize it a bit with some of your answers (A lot actually !!) but I'm still struggling with some of the features I like as I, sadly, don't understand much to most of the commands…

First, I'd like to show you what I've already done because there is probably a lot to say about it!

    \usepackage[language=french,sorting=nyt, hyperref=true,urldate=long,


    \chapter{Bibliographie thématique}
    \markboth{\itshape Bibliographie thématique}{}

                        %******** Custom Bibliography *********


    %     \ifblank{#2#3}{}{\addcomma}%
    %     \ifblank{#3}{}{\addlowpenspace\mkbibnameprefix{#3}\isdot}

    % Commas as separators

    % Comma before and after journal volume
      \setunit*{\addcomma\space}% NEW
      \setunit*{\addcomma\space}% NEW

    % Prefixes for journal volume and number
    \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{volume}{\bibstring{volume}~#1}% volume of a journal
    \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{number}{\bibstring{number}~#1}% number of a journal

    % Comma before date; date not in parentheses
      \setunit*{\addcomma\space}% NEW
        \usebibmacro{date}}% NEW

    % Issue/date macros removed after journal number

    % "In:" removed for articles; issue/date macros added after note+pages macro


%Switch t. to vol.

%Put ibid, op cit & co in italics

%Interligne entre les items Biblio

%Change p. to pp.
  pages = {pp\adddot},

    \hyphenpenalty 10000
    \printbibliography[keyword=enreg,heading=subbibliography,title=Enregistrements audiovisuels des auditions]
    \printbibliography[keyword=management,heading=subbibliography,title=Management et modernisation]

I'd like to modify the appearance of my articles and books :

I'm getting :
LASTNAME Firstname, « Title », Journal, Vol. 10, no 3, pp. 56 – 79, month year.
And I'd like :
LASTNAME Firstname, « Title », Journal, month year, vol. 10, no 3, pp. 56 – 79.
Which means:
– Get the month year block after the journal

I'm getting :
LASTNAME Firstname, «Title», Address : Publisher, year, 271 p.
And I'd like :
LASTNAME Firstname, «Title», Publisher, Address, year, 271 p.
Which means:
– Get the year after the adress
– Get in order the publisher separated from the adress with a comma

I realise that it's a lot to ask!! But I couldn't get nowhere with my experimentations and I'm lacking time to do more sad failures!!

Tks very much in advance for any help, or comment on my present modifications !

Best Answer

This answer will be a work in progress, and it will quite possibly not cover all requests. That said, do the following:

  • Delete the code line \DeclareRangeCommands{\pno\ppno};
  • Add the code line \DeclareFieldFormat[book]{title}{\mkbibquote{\mkbibemph{#1}}};
  • Add the package option dateabbrev=false.

One way to switch from "t." to "vol." for articles would be to choose language=english. Is that what you want? Please explain.

EDIT: For @book entries, use the pagetotal field instead of the pages field.

EDIT 2: For @book & friends, add the following to your preamble:


To be consistent, you should also change the bibmacros institution+location+date and organization+location+date along these lines. (The originals are located in standard.bbx.)

EDIT 3: For @article, the following seems to work at first glance (and I didn't bother to check it thouroughly):


@Doompa: That's it for now. If your style still needs finetuning, please add any requests to your original question (your edits became quite confusing for me). Also think about why you want a particular change.

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