[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex: Authors in small caps and bold in bibliography


I am using scrreprt KOMA-class with biblatex.

I have my citations and bibliography set up as desired:

enter image description here

However, one detail is missing: I would like the authors in the bibliography to be both small caps AND bold (right now, they are small caps only.)

Is there a way to achieve this?

I have spent some time doing trial and error and scanning the biblatex documentation, but did not find what I needed.

Thanks in advance for your help.

\documentclass[12pt, twoside, openright, chapterprefix, numbers=noenddot]{scrreprt}


\usepackage[automark,headsepline=off]{scrlayer-scrpage}  % use document with \pagestyle{scrheadings}

%%% Deutsche Zeichen und Schrift
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % deutsche Trennregeln
\usepackage{lmodern}    % fixes bug with \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}; ändert Schriftart zudem in Latin Modern
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}   % für europäische Autoren ratsam; % wichtig für Trennung von Wörtern mit Umlauten

\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linktocpage=true,  linktoc=all,    
    citecolor=beierblau, filecolor=beierblau, urlcolor=beierblau, breaklinks=false,
    bookmarksopen=true, colorlinks, linkcolor = black}
\usepackage[all]{hypcap}        % needed to help hyperlinks direct correctly;


%%% bibliography
\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber,
%alphabetic --> see https://de.sharelatex.com/learn/biblatex_bibliography_styles; https://de.sharelatex.com/learn/Biblatex_citation_styles
 refsegment=chapter, % benutze automatisch Kapitel als Biobliographie-Abschnitte... (refsegment makes sure that identical references have the same label throughout the whole document; as opposed to refsection)
% scauthors = true 

%% set borders
%\setlength{\bibhang}{0.2cm} rückt mehrere Zeilen ein

%% fix sorting

%% no "quotes" around titles of chapters/article titles; text-style of title in bibliography 
\DeclareFieldFormat[article, book, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, misc, thesis, unpublished]{title}{\textit{#1}}    % \textit for italic style titles; \textnormal for regular text

%% titles of articels and incollections not italic

%% separation style between authors

    andothers = {et\addspace al\adddotspace},%
    andmore = {et\addspace al\adddotspace},%

%% Authors in small caps in citation and bibliography

%% Format of punctuation after author+year
%   \mkbibbold
    {\adddotspace}}     % \addcolon\space

%%Add bib resource

%%% Example bibliography
        Author    = {Douglas C. Giancoli},
        Publisher = {Pearson},
        Title     = {Physics for Scientists \& Engineers},
        Year      = {2014},
        Date-Added = {2015-10-05 12:23:12 +0000},
        Date-Modified = {2015-10-05 12:23:50 +0000},


Some \cite{Giancoli} text \autocite{Giancoli}

\printbibliography[segment=\therefsegment, heading=subbibintoc, title={Literatur}]  


Best Answer

To change the used font for the family name of the entries in the bibliography only use the following just before your \printbibliogrphy:


Note that the correct macro name is \mkbibnamefamily not \mkbibnamelast. The latter is just for legacy support and doesn't work after \begin{document}. But lmodern doesn't support bold smallcaps.

The biblatex commands for the formatting of names are:


Note: To get something that looks like bold smallcaps, you might use the contour package if your font doesn't support them, but be aware that this might result in ugly looking output:

\contourlength{0.01em}% adjust how bold it'll get

This results in the following (upper is with contour, the lower is \textbf{Giancoli} for comparison) enter image description here