Acronyms – Best Package for Developing a List of Abbreviations


I'm in the process of writing a long document and need a List of abbreviations. I've been reading the LaTeX wiki book about this and have had a play with the packages nomencl and glossaries. What package is the most straight forward for developing a List of abbreviations? Is there a package I've missed?

Best Answer

I recommend the glossaries package. It provides several predefined styles and can be customized very well.

Strengths of glossaries are:

  • The very good documentation: besides a normal user's manual it offers a beginner's guide and an upgrade guide (from the predecessor glossary), and even an author's FAQ, plus well documented source code
  • It comes with a Perl script for indexing, running on Linux, Mac as well as on Windows (there's free Perl too)
  • It's very actively maintained (current version on CTAN: 4.35 2017-11-14)
  • The author Nicola Talbot provides support in online forums, I frequently see her answering user's questions

Working with makeindex is needed for such lists of abbreviations, which might be a hurdle to overcome. The perl script and the extensive documentation of glossaries are a great help regarding this step.

Sources for download and documentation:

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