[Tex/LaTex] Best documentclass for formulary (cheat sheet)


We are allowed to bring a formulary of 2 pages to our math exam. Obviously I need to put as much content on it as possible, using the tiniest font size available.
Unfortunately I haven't found a documentclass that suits my needs.
Currently I'm using this one:


It has large margins, i.e. empty areas. Also, the font size is pretty large.

Is there any predefined documentclass for my purpose?

Best Answer

This uses a very small font size and small margin values by applying options to the geometry package.

\fontsize{6}{8}\selectfont is just one way to use (even smaller would be hardly readable, so it's not recommended)

multicols allows for organzing in multiple columns.

\usepackage[a4paper, lmargin=0.2cm,rmargin=0.2cm,tmargin=1cm,bmargin=1cm]{geometry}


\foreach \x in {1,...,800} {




enter image description here

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