Sourcecode Import – Beautifully Format Text of an External Document


I have some formatted long text files looking like this:

f=50 k_max=420

 Iteration   Func-count     min f(x)         Procedure
     0            1      7.07212e-09         
     1            2      7.07212e-09         initial simplex
     2            4      7.06369e-09         reflect
     3            6      7.06369e-09         contract outside
     4            8      7.06369e-09         contract inside
     5           10      7.06367e-09         contract inside

Exiting: Maximum number of function evaluations has been exceeded
         - increase MaxFunEvals option.
         Current function value: 0.000000 

f=100 k_max=1009

 Iteration   Func-count     min f(x)         Procedure
     0            1      1.89961e-10         
     1            2      1.89961e-10         initial simplex
     2            4      1.33983e-10         expand
     3            6      8.33243e-11         expand
     4            8      7.98592e-11         contract outside
     5           10      7.98592e-11         contract inside

Exiting: Maximum number of function evaluations has been exceeded
         - increase MaxFunEvals option.
         Current function value: 0.000000 

These files are the command line of MATLAB which are saved using diary command.

Is there a way to import the source file and typeset it beautifully in LaTeX? I love to use minted package or something comparable with colors if possible here.

Best Answer

With the minted package, you can use


Here's an example file code.tex using your sample file and saving it as Mat1.m:





The output, after processing with pdflatex --shell-escape code.tex:

enter image description here

With the listings package, you can use


A simple example, again with the previous settings






The output:

enter image description here

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