[Tex/LaTex] Beamer-Using resizebox changes the position of an item in itemize


I am creating a presentation using beamer. In an itemize environment, I am using resizebox in particular item. When I use it, the position of the bullet changes, as seen in the next image

enter image description here

My code is


  \item Cross section $A(x,y)B$ : Definition of cross section
  \item %\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{
        $\dfrac{d \sigma}{d \Omega}(E,\theta) = \dfrac{Y}{N \left(Q\Omega\right)}\;,        
         Y : & \text{Y}\\
         N : & \text{N}\\
         Q : & \text{Q}\\
         \Omega : & \text{Angle}
  \item How  : Like that

Any idea on why is this happening and how can it be fixed?

Best Answer

Your resized box is too wide. \textwidth is the width of the whole text including the itemize bullet. Use something like 0.999\linewidth instead. Note there is a difference between \textwidth and \linewidth. Unfortunately I do not know why the factor 0.999 is necessary.


  \item Cross section $A(x,y)B$ : Definition of cross section
  \item \resizebox{.999\linewidth}{!}{%
        $\dfrac{d \sigma}{d \Omega}(E,\theta) = \dfrac{Y}{N \left(Q\Omega\right)}\;,        
         Y : & \text{Y}\\
         N : & \text{N}\\
         Q : & \text{Q}\\
         \Omega : & \text{Angle}
  \item How  : Like that

enter image description here

Alternatively you can hide the width of the box using \makebox


  \item Cross section $A(x,y)B$ : Definition of cross section
  \item \makebox[0pt][l]{\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{%
        $\dfrac{d \sigma}{d \Omega}(E,\theta) = \dfrac{Y}{N \left(Q\Omega\right)}\;,        
         Y : & \text{Y}\\
         N : & \text{N}\\
         Q : & \text{Q}\\
         \Omega : & \text{Angle}
  \item How  : Like that