[Tex/LaTex] Beamer: Transparent AND centered background image on intro slide

backgroundsbeamergraphicshorizontal alignmenttransparency

I know this is similar to other questions. Other answers address either:

  1. Adding a transparent image
  2. Centering an image but I cannot find an answer with both.

With previous answers I can successfully make my image transparent OR centered, but not both. I've tried integrating methods for the two with no luck.

Here's the code I'm using on my introduction slide


         \vbox to \paperheight
              {\tikz \node[opacity=0.2] 
                 {\vfil\hbox to \paperwidth
                  \hfil}\vfil} ;  }

Best Answer

Combining the work of Transparent image background in beamer and Image on full slide in beamer package, you can do something like:


\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node[opacity=0.3, at=(current page.center)] {


Background transparent image, centered on slide


sample output

You have to compile twice to get the image centered.