[Tex/LaTex] beamer template for Miktex 2.9


I want a basic beamer-template that works straight with latest version of Miktex 2.9. I just want to be able to run it and have no error messages complaining about missing this and that. I have the packages xcolor and pgf installed.

Best Answer

A quik'n'derty template can be generated in TeXstudio for example, utilizing the built-in wizards.


  1. Install TeXstudio
  2. Familiarize with TeXstudio
  3. Start up TeXstudio


  1. After Start goto Menu -> Wizards -> Quick beamer presentation
  2. Select the theme you like the most.
  3. Select all the packages you need.
  4. Add title and author.
  5. Check for babel package and select your language.
  6. Check for graphicx package.
  7. Click OK

The template can now be used for any sort of presentation.

Result of above steps

You get and can use this quik'n'derty template:

    \author{Joanne Doe}
    \title{A smexy title}
    %\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
