[Tex/LaTex] Beamer poster theorem style without boxes


I'm making a poster using beamer and when I use \begin{theorem} and \begin{proof} it makes the theorems and proofs in a box just like a block title would be.

I understand this is the default setting when using beamer but I want my theorems and proofs to look like the default when just writing an article in LaTeX. Is there a way I can change the theorem style or theorem environment so that theorem and proof are no longer in boxes?

Best Answer

The style is defined by

  • \setbeamertemplate{theorem begin} and
  • \setbeamertemplate{theorem end}

Check page 122 of beameruserguide.pdf. In the following I have just deleted the \inserttheoremblockenv commands from the definition in the manual.

\setbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{{
\ifx\inserttheoremaddition\@empty\else\ (\inserttheoremaddition)\fi%
\setbeamertemplate{theorem end}{}
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