[Tex/LaTex] Beamer \institute text size change to small


I am using beamer with the \institute command.

I have several institutes and just want to change the font size of the institutes and not the whole document. I would like the institutes to be much smaller than the rest of the document.

Here is my code, but maybe I'm lost. Thanks for any input as I am new to beamer and LaTeX.

\institute[University of] {size=\fontsize{9pt}{10pt}\selectfont University of Utah}%   
  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering\\
  University of
  Department of Chemistry\\
  University of
  Department of\\
  University of
  Department of \\
  University of
  ~ \\

Best Answer

You can change the font size of beamer elements using \setbeamerfont{<element>}{<font attributes>}:



\institute[University of]{
   Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering\\
   University of
  Department of Chemistry\\
 University of
  Department of\\
  University of
  Department of \\
   University of
  ~ \\


If you want to use absolute font sizes instead of the LaTeX commands \tiny ... \Huge, try something like


(\selectfont is not necessary in this context). Also see the beamer manual for more information about \setbeamerfont.

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